20242202_HPE Elevation


Event essentials

Event Location

Hi! Site

Start date - End date

Location details

Last registration date

Free seats


HPE Elevation
Time: 22 February 2024 | 12:30 - 18:00
Location: Antwerpselaan 1, 1853 Grimbergen, Belgium

Dear Partner,

We are thrilled to have you join us for the first HPE Elevation of the year! At HPE, our commitment to continuous innovation is unwavering. This approach allows us to collectively address the constantly evolving demands of the current market in collaboration with our valued partners. Together, we can be the catalysts for change that our customers require.

Let's kick-off 2024 with a very diverse agenda, spanning from topics like end-to-end IT Security in a NIS2 context & challenges in an Hybrid Cloud reality to the surge of AI and the customer potential.

Nice to know: participation in all three sessions of the SMB Get More Tour (last track) will be counted as equivalent for the HPE Partner Ready Program training Requirements for business Partners in FY24.

Discover the agenda

Overall, we hope to welcome you soon for a fun, educational & interesting afternoon at the Hi!Site in Grimbergen.

Warm regards,
Your HPE Teams
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 HPE Elevation is brought to you with the support of

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* Disclaimers:

  • In registering for this event, the participant acknowledges that his/her organization may have compliance policies regarding their employee's authority to accept things of value, and that it is the participant's responsibility to manage his/her organization's compliance with those policies.
  • By registering for this event, you are giving the organization permission to take footage that may be used for social media outlets, among other things. If you do not wish this, please contact the event organization.


Agenda - Elevation

Click the image to view in full size PDF.

Elevation Agenda.JPG

Or select the agenda file in the right side column of this page under "Documents".

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